
Unleashing the Power of Cloud-Native Object Storage

Delivering a robust, highly scalable platform for storing and managing all types of unstructured data.

Storage-Object (Swift)

Massive Scalability

Effortlessly scales to handle petabytes of data, accommodating the ever-growing needs of modern applications.



Designed to scale horizontally, enabling storage flexibility to handle increasing storage demands

Storage-Object-Distributed Architecture

Distributed Architecture

Distributed architecture to store and retrieve data across multiple nodes to provide high availability and data protection.

Storage-Object-Storage for Cloud Native Workloads

Storage for Cloud Native Workloads

Adopt an object-based storage approach empowering you to store and retrieve large amounts of unstructured data.

Storage-Object-RESTful API


Utilize the in-built RESTful APIs to manage the storage system or integrate with other custom services.

Storage-Object-Data Encryption

Data Encryption

Encrypt data at rest and in transit to prevent unauthorized access and increase data security.

Storage-Object-High Availability


Replicate your data across multiple geographically dispersed sites to ensure data availability and disaster recovery resilience.

More Storage Features

The unified highly scalable and performant storage for any modern enterprise.

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